Author ramaas

Madaxa Shirkadda Ramaas Software oo ka qayb galay Bandhig Shaqo doon

Shirkadda Ramaas Software ayaa maanta ka qayb gashay bandhig shaqo doon oo lagu qabtay magaalada Boosaaso kaas oo laysugu keenayey gabdhaha waxbartay iyo ganacsatada Puntland.

Bandhigaan oo ahaa mid wax ku ool ah ayaa waxaa si wada jir ah u soo qaban qaabiyey hay’adda Iftin Foundation iyo Rugta Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland.

Shirkadda Ramaas Software oo doorkeeda qaadatay ayaa waxaa goobta uga qayb galay agaasimaha guud ee shirkadda Siyaad Cali Yuusuf kaas oo ka hadlay arimo badan oo ku wajahan sida gabdhuhu ay shaqo u heli lahaayeen iyo guud ahaan sida ay uga faa’iidaysan lahaayeen aalada casrigaa ee Internetka.

Waxaa shirkadda Ramaas Software tustay gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed ee reer Puntland in fursad badani ka furan tahay isticmaalka Internetka ayna shaqooyin iyagu abuuran karaan. Waxaa la wada ogyahay in Internetku uu fursado aan hore loo arag caalamka ku soo kordhiyey asaga oo awood siiyey qofka shakhsiga ah inuu abuuran karo shaqo ku dhisan internetka ama onliine ka.

Shirkadda Ramaas Software agaasimaheeda ayaa u dulmaray gabdhaha goobta soo xaadiray inay haboon tahay inay wax ka bartaan sida Internetka looga faa’iideysan karo ayna bartaan cilmiga la xiriira samaynta websiteska, ka ganacsiga Internetka iwm.

Waxaa kaloo shirkadda Ramaas Software balan qaaday inay laba gabdhood siin doonto Internship iyo training hadii gabdhuhu  ku guulaystaan internshipkana ay shirkaddu shaqo siin doonto. Waxaa kaloo shirkaddu balan qaaday gabdhihii la yimaado fikir fiican iyo barnaamij dhaqan geli kara in ay shirkaddu u samayso websites bilaash ah oo ay barnaamijkooda ku gudbiyaan ugana shaqeystaan.

Xafiiska Wararka ee


Tababar Shirkadda Ramaas Software u qabatay Xafiiska Iibka Qaranka Magaaladda Muqdisho.

Shirkadda Ramaas Software ayaa tababar u soo gabagabaysay shaqaalaha Xafiiska Iibka Qaranka ee  Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya kaas oo ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho dhowaan.

Waxaa maalintii khamiista oo ku beegnayd 14ka Bisha Janaayo shirkadda Ramaas Software u soo xirtay tababar muddo u socday shaqaalaha xafiiska Iibka Qaranka. Tababarka ayaa ku saabsanaa isticmaalka iyo ku shaqeynta bogga cusub ee baahinta Iibka Qaranka (Public Procurement and Concessions Authority Portal) (PPCA) kaas oo shirkadda Ramaas Software oo kaashanaysa Activis Ireland ay qayb ka ahayd samayntiisa ayna mas’uul ka ahayd bixinta tababarada shaqaalaha.

Shaqaalaha xafiiska Iibka Qaranka oo dhan 13 xubnood oo isugu jira dhamaan qaybaha uu ka kooban yahay xafiiska Iibka Qaranka ayaa tababarka ka qayb qaatay. Waxay shaqaaluhu halkaas  ku qaateen aqoon ku saabsan sidii ay u maamuli lahayeen boggaas casriga ah ayna ugu shaqeyn lahayeen qaybihiisa kala duwan.

Bogga Internetka ee Iibka Qaranka wuxuu ka shaqeynayaa diiwaan gelinta shirkaddaha Soomaaliyeed ee danaynaya inay ka qayb qaataan mashaariicda dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay soo bandhigayso hadey noqon lahayd qaadasho mashruuc horumarineed, dhismeed, adeeg bixin iwm.

Waxa kale oo boggu qabanayaa in lagu daabaco dhamaan qandaraasyada Qaranka, nooca qandaraasku yahay, qiimaha qandaraaska, meesha laga fulinayo, isla markaasna lagu sheego shirkadda ku guulaysatay qandaraaska.

Marka shaqada qanadaraasku dhamaato waxaa bogga lagu soo gudbinayaa warbixino ku saabsan sida shirkaddu shaqadii u qabatay iyo inay wax ka dhiman yihiin howshii loo igmaday.

Wuxuu boggu sidoo kale noqonayaa goob lagu sheego shirkaddaha aan shaqadooda sidii la rabay uga soo bixin, hadii shirkadda ay si xun u maareyso howshii loo dirayna waxaa bogga lagu sheegayaa in shirkaddaas la mamnuucay, dadweynahana ay la soconayaan shirkadaha ceeboobey oo shaqooyinkii loo diray aan qaban.

Boggan (Portal) wuxuu si weyn wax uga bedelayaa habka la socoshada Iibka Qaranka, wuxuuna meesha ka saarayaa nidaamkii hore ee ahaa in dadweynuhu suuqa ka maqlaan wararka qandaraasyada dawladda Soomaaliya bixisay iyo sida loo maamulay. Wax kasta oo ku saabsan Iibka Qaranka (Somali Public Procurement) wuxuu soo marayaa boggan cusub dadweynhuna si toos ah ayey ula soconayaa iyo cidkasta oo danaynaysa.

Waxyaalo kale oo fara badan ayuu boggu qabanayaa, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay qaybo badan oo kasii badan inta aan kor ku sheegnay.

Shirkadda Ramaas Software waxay u hambalyeynaysaa dhamaan shaqaalaha Xafiiska Iibka Qaranka ee tababarka ka qayb qaatey. Waxay kaloo si gaar ah ugu hambalyeynaysaa  Wasiirka wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Aadan Farkeeti, Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda maaliyadda Federaalka Mudane Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim, Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaradda Maaliyadda Federaalka Drs. Aamina Sh. Cusmaan, Agaasimaha Tababarada, Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha ee Wasaaradda Maaliyadda  Shukri   Xasan Cusmaan, Maareeyaha Xafiiska Iibka Qaranka Abuukar Cabdule, ku xigeenka maareyaha Xafiiska Iibka Qaranka Ismaaciil Aweys Cali,  ciidanka amaanka Wasaaradda maaliyadda iyo dhamaan shaqaalaha wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya sida wanaagsan ee ay noogu fududeeyeen inaan howsha tababarka si wacan u gudano iyo soo dhoweyntii wacnayd ee aan kala kulanay.


Installing MovableType Pro 4 on XAMPP on Windows XP Machine

Anybody there using MovableType? I got my hands dirty with it today and honestly, I am admitting that unlike our very own sweet, easy and popular WordPress, the world is different there, MovableType is the most difficult content publishing tool I have ever installed.

I installed everything Perl required (including the DBI and the DBD::mysql) to run a Perl based app on XAMPP, however MovableType is so weird that it still says DBD::mysql is missing, attempt to reload DBD/ failed and such crap… but I swear I had all that stuff, updated and genuinely running… weird!

Then, I remembered SQLite. mt-check.cgi says its installed.


Your server has DBD::SQLite installed (version 1.25).

How to install MovableType Pro on XAMPP running on Windows XP

Download and install XAMPP. The version I am currently using is XAMPP 1.7.2 (the latest). The good news is that the guys at Apache Friends decided to include the Perl Add-On in the basic package of XAMPP so you don’t need to install Perl Add-On separately.

I am not going to tell you how to install XAMPP, you will find a lot of documentation about it if you google it.

I installed mine at C:\web-server\.

Now, download MovableType Pro 4 from the MT website. I downloaded the free blogger version, which costs you nothing!

Your downloaded MT package should be something similar to MT-4.32-en.tar.gz, the version and language may be different.

Extract your downloaded MT package into a temporary folder. There is something called the Perl shebang at the top of every Perl script, and it tells the web server where to find the Perl executable. This way it knows how to run the code following that shebang. The Perl shebang is written as #!/usr/bin/perl.

By default all the .CGI files in your extracted package use the Linux based shebang. We need to correct this. Using Notepad (or other plain text editor), open every .CGI file and at the top of the file change #!/usr/bin/perl -w to #!C:/web-server/perl/bin/perl -w, use the forward-slash (/), not the backward-slash (\). Remember to use your exact path to Perl.exe.

Next, create a folder inside C:\web-server\cgi-bin, I called mine mt. Then copy all the files inside the extracted MT package except mt-static folder and paste them in C:\web-server\cgi-bin\mt\, then copy mt-static folder and its contents to C:\web-server\htdocs\.

Create another folder called sqlite-db under C:\web-server, then create an empty file called mt-database.db under C:\web-server\sqlite-db\, this will be the SQLite database file of your MovableType installation.

Open the MovableType configuration file (mt-config.cgi-original) found at C:\web-server\cgi-bin\mt\mt-config.cgi-original. Save the file as mt-config.cgi, and make the changes below:

CGIPath    http://localhost/cgi-bin/mt/
StaticWebPath    http://localhost/mt-static

Since we are going to use SQLite we don’t need the MySQL and PostgreSQL properties in our configuration file. Either delete or comment the following lines:

##### MYSQL #####
ObjectDriver DBI::mysql
DBHost localhost

##### POSTGRESQL #####
ObjectDriver DBI::postgres
DBHost localhost

Now, make the following changes to the SQLite settings:

ObjectDriver DBI::sqlite
Database C:/web-server/sqlite-db/mt-database.db

Note the forward-slash used for the database path.

Go to http://localhost/cgi-bin/mt/mt-check.cgi, we don’t care if DBD::mysql and DBD::SQLite2 were reported missing, only make sure that the other requirements are OK.

If everything went well, visit http://localhost/cgi-bin/mt/mt.cgi and install MT on your machine.


A Tip for the PHP Noobs: Get the Description of the Error or Function Causing the Error

I am a self thought PHP coder and when I was new to this fantastic language I always wanted to know why errors are errors and why certain functions are causing errors. Also I was clueless of why errors are (sometimes) hyplerlinked?

Likewise, every PHP newbie would ask the same frustrating question and would want a description of the mystery behind the error.

Here, I will show you a quick tip to turn your test environment into a study center. Follow the steps below and enjoy your time with PHP.

Hint: I assume you are using XAMPP (the all-in-one suite of Apache, mySQL and PHP) running on Windows machine. You can still implement this technique in any PHP installation though.


Download and install XAMPP on your computer.

Visit the PHP manual download page, and select one of the downloads under the ‘Many HTML files’ column. There are many languages to choose from but the English version is the most accurate.

Extract the downloaded archive. Inside the extracted archive you should find a folder named ‘html’. Copy that folder —and its contents— into the following directory:


After successfully copying the folder into the XAMPP installation directory, rename your copied folder to ‘phpmanual’. It should be something like this:



Well, we placed the PHP manual above the DocumentRoot, just in an out-of-web-reach directory, the reason is that there may be multiple domains or hostnames maintained on the machine via VirtualHost containers, so we need to make the manual work on every domain or hostname on the machine.

Open the XAMPP configuration file:


…then insert these lines in it:

Alias /phpmanual "C:/<your-xampp-installation-path>/phpmanual/"
<Directory "C:/<your-xampp-installation-path>/phpmanual">
    AllowOverride AuthConfig
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Just make sure to change C:/<your-xampp-installation-path> to your XAMPP installation drive and path, respectively.


Next, open your PHP.INI file found at: C:\<your-xampp-installation-path>\PHP\php.ini and find the following line:

;html_errors = Off

Uncomment the above directive, then turn it on like this:

html_errors = On

Find these two lines:

;docref_root = "/phpmanual/"
;docref_ext = .html

Uncomment the above two directives, they should match the code below:

docref_root = "/phpmanual/"
docref_ext = .html

Save your changes and close the file.

Restart Apache.


Now, lets see if our effort is working properly. Create a PHP file with the following code inside it:


include 'a-php-file-that-does-not-exist.php';


Save the file as test-manual.php in C:\<your-xampp-installation-path>\htdocs\, then visit the following URL in your browser:


If everything was correct, you should receive an error like the following one:

Warning: include(a-php-file-that-does-not-exist.php) [function.include.html]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\web-server\htdocs\localhost\test-manual.php on line 3

Warning: include() [function.include.html]: Failed opening 'a-php-file-that-does-not-exist.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\web-server\php\pear\') in C:\web-server\htdocs\localhost\test-manual.php on line 3

function.include.html should be hyperlinked and when you click it you should see a page describing the error, otherwise, there is something wrong with your configuration.


Never use this feature for production boxes. This feature was intended to support your development since it makes it easy to look-up an error or function description. However it should never be used on live websites (e.g. systems connected to the Internet).

WordPress: Display Recent, Related or Random Posts in Your Sidebar

You may have noticed that I have dynamic sidebar that changes slightly as you browse the different parts of the site. For example, I have random posts in my home sidebar, while this changes to related posts when browsing a specific post.

One visitor emailed me recently asking me if I could tell her how I managed to display recent, related or random posts in my sidebar.

Well, I neither use a plugin nor SQL statements for this part.

I used the conditional tags to check the current page and to execute the right part of the code.

The Code in Pieces

I divided the code into three pieces, so you can understand it easily.

Recent Posts

<div class="widget">
<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
<?php $posts = get_posts('numberposts=3'); foreach($posts as $post) { ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?><br />
<span><?php the_excerpt(); ?><br /><em>&mdash;Posted on <?php the_time('n/j/Y') ?></em></span></a>
<?php } ?>

The above code picks the latest three posts. You can change the number of posts displayed by changing number in get_posts('numberposts=3'); to whatever you like.

Related Posts by Category

<div class="widget">
<h2>Related Posts</h2>
<?php $posts = get_posts('numberposts=3&category='.$category->cat_ID.'&exclude='.$current_post);
foreach($posts as $post) {
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title() ?>"><?php the_title() ?><br />
<span><?php the_excerpt(); ?><br /><em>&mdash;Posted on <?php the_time('n/j/Y') ?></em></span></a>
<?php } ?>

We used get_posts('numberposts=3&category='.$category->cat_ID.'&exclude='.$current_post); to make all the business easier. $category->cat_ID pulls the current post’s category, exclude='.$current_post makes sure to exclude the current post from the related ones.

You may use related posts by tag alsoWP Recipes

Random Posts

<div class="widget">
<h2>Random Posts</h2>
<?php $posts = get_posts('orderby=rand&numberposts=3'); foreach($posts as $post) { ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?><br />
<span><?php the_excerpt(); ?><br /><em>&mdash;Posted on <?php the_time('n/j/Y') ?></em></span></a>
<?php } ?>

Our code uses orderby=rand. So WordPress will pick 3 random posts from the database every time our site loads.

Final Thoughts

The above codes can be merged together and displayed on the sidebar using the WordPress conditional tags.

If you have enjoyed this post or have any questions or recommendations, please share your views in the comments section.

How to Send Email with XAMPP on Windows XP

When we are working on a new web application we usually test our projects locally before making them public. But, localhost doesn’t have all the good stuff available on the real host. Some functions need to be configured properly and some additional programs need to be implemented.


I was working on PHP/MySQL based small project which is all about students’ registration system, where the students can register themselves then they’ll be able to receive school transcripts and such stuff by email.

When I finished the project I tested the application to see if it was working properly but I got a problem with PHP‘s mail() function, which was not sending any email messages out.

I was feeling frustrated for a while before coming up with the solution below.


To make our locally hosted web applications talk to any SMTP server including those on the Internet, we will configure that by using the PHP‘s configuration file called php.ini which can be found in the following locations (assuming you are using XAMPP installed in drive C:/):


Okay, that was locating the configuration files; let’s move to the next steps.

Method 1:

– Open php.ini file and uncomment the php_smtp.dll extension. This is required when sending emails to a remote server.

– Scroll down and find the following lines:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
;SMTP = localhost
;smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = [email protected]

– From the lines above, uncomment SMTP, smtp_port and sendmail_from
directives, then add SMTP server, SMTP port number and your preferred email address to SMTP, smtp_port and sendmail_from directives respectively, your final code should be similar to the one below:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from = [email protected]

– Replace and [email protected] with correct values. The defualt SMTP port number is “25”, therefore, you have 99% chance of not changing this.

– Restart your server.

Everything should work properly now. If not, double check your changes again. If you think you made everything correct, but there is nothing working, try method 2 instead.

NB: You should be aware that once you assign an email address to sendmail_from PHP will force all the senders’ emails to that address.

Method 2:

This method is more easier than the steps described in method 1. We’ll use fake Sendmail Program for Windows (sendmail.exe) which is a simple windows console application that emulates sendmail's "-t" option to deliver emails piped via stdin. sendmail.exe is bundled with XAMPP so you don’t need to install it unless you are using hand made server.

– In method 1 we have enabled SMTP, smtp_port and sendmail_from directives, please make sure that these directives are commented out since we don’t need them anymore. Then scroll down and find the following two lines in your php.ini file:

; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "C:\<xampp-installation-path>\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

– Make sure that the sendmail_path directive is not commented out, and the path is correct, then save php.ini and close it.

Edit Sendmail Configuration File (sendmail.ini):

The fake Sendmail program is found in the following location:


…and its configuration file is found here:


Okey. That was that. Let’s configure it, so it will work the way we wanted.

– Open sendmail.ini file and use the following settings:


; you must change to your smtp server,

; smtp port (normally 25)

– Replace with a valid SMTP server and assign port number (usually 25) to smtp_port.

Your SMTP server may require an authentication. If this is the case, scroll down the file and find the following lines:

; if your smtp server requires authentication, modify the following two lines


– Modify the above two directives. Add your SMTP server’s username and password.

Some SMTP servers use POP3. If yours is one of those servers, then you need further modifications.

; if your smtp server uses pop3 before smtp authentication, modify the
; following three lines

– Change the values of the above three directives to fit your needs and save your file. Then restart your server and try to send a test message to your email address.

If everything is correct, you can send emails to any server now. The following snippet is a header of message sent from my localhost server:

Envelope-to: [email protected]
Delivery-date: Sun, 15 Jun 2009 17:18:55 +0200
Received: from [] (helo=mehmett)
     by with esmtpa (Exim 4.62)
     (envelope-from )
     id 1MFrTy-000CQx-OY
     for [email protected]; Sun, 15 Jun 2009 17:18:55 +0200
To: [email protected]
Subject: Taste email from localhost
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2009 19:18:39 +0400
From: J Mehmett
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: PHPMailer ( [version 2.0.4]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

That was easy, huh?

Final Thoughts

This is a simple mail configuration. I tested it using the SMTP settings of my host and it worked properly.

Gmail users may check Brett Shaffer’s solution, alternatively, AOL users may see KahWee’s solution.

If you have enjoyed reading this post don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

WordPress now supports Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time (as they call it in Britania) was usually something we used to set by hand in WordPress releases beyond the in-development version 2.8. This was not really painful, but being a great software, WordPress guys described it as a “Lame”.

What is daylight saving time?

Daylight saving time (Summer Time) is the convention of advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn. Modern DST was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson, a New Zealand entomologist. Many countries have used it since then; details vary by location and change occasionally.


In WordPress 2.8, they added Timezone enhancements for PHP 5 so you can choose a city in the same timezone as you for Timezone in Administration > Settings > General.

Old WP time settings

Old WP time settings

New WP DST settings

New WP DST settings

See also

10 Free Icons Sets For Your Projects!

Since the revolution of GUI, icons were playing a vital role in the visual composition of design industry. People were using icons for both offline and online projects, and, apart from the rest, webmasters were using icons for both accessibility and decoration purposes. Simply having icons on your blog or website doesn’t mean that you have a beautiful design. But in somehow, it’s mystery that icons did not disappear in the doom of design era.

Below, I listed some of the world’s most popular icon resources… wait… they are free to download… you don’t need to spend a penny to have them.



Everybody, yes, even the internet fool, knows or heard about the famous silk icons of Mark James. There are about one thousand icons, a huge collection indeed.

FAMFAMFAM icons are the most popular, as I think. Firefox’s web developer toolbar uses them, a large sum of WP themes uses them, I use them and of course, you may use them, too!

2. Function Icon Set

Function Icon Set

Function Icons Set contains fabulous 128 icons for free. The features of this icons include shiny style, 48x48px, social media icons such as Design Float, Digg, Delicious, Furl, Technorati, Flickr, Stumble Upon, Twitter, etc… and blogging icons include RSS icons, email icons and so forth…

3. Project Icon Set

Project Icon Set

Project Icon Set is the work of Navdeep Raj from DezinerFolio. This set contains 18 great icons specialized for project management. This set can be used for free and paid projects and is ideal for business related works.

The designer released this icon set for Smashing Magazine readers.

4. On Stage Icon Set

On-Stage: Free Vector PSD Icon Set

Yet another DezinerFolio icon set. This one contains 49 free vector icons with PSD source.

The reason I love such thing is that the sky is the only restriction for the usage of this set, you can use them for free.

5. Stationary Icon Set

Stationary Icon Set

Still on DezinerFolio. This icon set contains 22 256 x 256 icons related office and studio elements and includes Fireworks source.

6. Simplistica Icons


Simplistica Icons set is free icon pack from DryIcons‘ creative team. Simplistica icons are glossy and shinny and come with 16x16px, 32x32px, 48x48px and 128x128px and all are 32-bit transparent PNGs.

7. Blogging Icons Set

Blogging Icons Set

Blogging icons set by BlogPerfume is a set containing 12 high quality shiny icons designed for bloggers. This set comes with 3 sizes 24x24px, 36x36px and 48x48px.

8. Web Application Icons Set

Web Application Icons Set

Web Application Icons Set is a 3D glossy and shiny icon set from WebAppers for free for both personal and commercial projects! There are 20 icons designed specially for web applications (e.g. Charts, Profile, Search, Add, Delete, Email, Print, Warning and etc…). Icons come in 3 sizes; 48×48 px, 32×32 px, and 24×24 px. All in PNG format with transparent background.

9. Antique Icons Set

Antique Icons

Designed by Nawfal from DeviantArt, Antique Icons set contains 33 realistic, beautiful and grungy icons in 28x28px size and comes with both transparent PNG format and ICO format.

10. 3D Cartoon Icons Pack

3D Cartoon Icons Pack

This pack contains 111 .PNG, .ICO (Win) and .ICNS (Mac) icons in 3D shape. These icons come in 300x300px size.


I hope this post will help some of you. Icons are not limited in this 10 and there are tens of thousands of free icons sets on the Internet.s

Any suggestions, comments and corrections are welcome. The comment form is open for everyon.

How to make your WordPress posts dates clickable

Do you know that there’s another way to incorporate links to your blog archive in your site without using the archives by date widget by assigning every date on your blog were clickable! Every bit of every date your site contains, and by assigning every bit of your posts date to a link, and by every bit I mean the three major parts the average date format contains —month, day and year.

I know many of you are already aware about this little trick, but I posted this because many people may need it.

The idea

I was recently designing a new blog theme and I came across an old blog:, the post dates were clickable and were driving reasonable traffic to other parts of the blog. The blog has nothing to do with WordPress and its run by hand crafted blog application written by the owner of the website, but it still inspired me to implement the idea on my theme.


Open your theme’s index.php and find the template tag <?php the_time(); ?> then replace that with the following code:

// The month
<a title="<?php the_time('F') ?>" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/<?php the_time('Y') ?>/<?php the_time('m') ?>"><?php the_time('F') ?></a>
// The date
<a title="<?php the_time('F') ?> <?php the_time('jS') ?>" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/<?php the_time('Y') ?>/<?php the_time('m') ?>/<?php the_time('j') ?>"><?php the_time('jS') ?></a>,
// The year
<a title="<?php the_time('Y') ?>" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/<?php the_time('Y') ?>"><?php the_time('Y') ?></a>

The above code will show something like this: May 14th, 2009.

If you think there is a better way to do this or if you have something else to add or to say about this, please share it in the comments section.